Grace Church Roanoke, Virginia
Dr. Jack L. Arnold Lesson #35
A Real Local Church
Acts 14:21-28
Can we be effective Christians without
being affiliated with a local church?
Can we be biblical and not be related to a local church? What place should the local church play
in one's Christian experience?
Quite often you will hear Christians say, “i don't have to be part of an
organized local church to be a dynamic Christian. Furthermore, I can stay at home and worship God by watching
some religious program on TV, or I can meet with a small group of Christians in
the home.” The real question is
what place has God, in the Bible, given to the local church? If God has said the local church is
important, then we, too, should be deeply involved in the ministry of the local
Still, some objectors would say, “The
local church seems so stilted, so formal, so far removed from where I really
live. I just can’t identify with
the average local church today.”
It is true that many local churches are stilted, formal, dry and out of
touch with reality, but that is the fault of the local church, not of the
resurrected Christ. We are
specifically told in the Bible what a local church is supposed to be, and this
is clearly taught to us in Acts 14:21-28.
This section of Scripture sets forth for us what a real local church is,
and this should be the pattern for every local church in the twentieth century.
Preaching (14:21a)
“And after they had preached the gospel
to that city . . .” -- The last city, on the first missionary
journey of Paul and Barnabas, to receive a gospel witness was Derbe. The apostles had preached to two other
cities in the province of Galatia, Iconium and Lystra. In these cities they met stiff
opposition as they declared Christ to men and women, boys and girls. At Iconium, the missionaries were
plotted against and had to leave town suddenly. At Lystra, Paul was stoned and left for dead. When they came to Derbe, they “preached
the gospel to that city.” They
evangelized the city of Derbe; that is, they went all through the city,
wherever they could get an audience, and told people about Jesus Christ. They told of the Old Testament
predictions of Christ, how Christ lived a perfect life and performed miracles,
how He died for sinners, how He was raised from the dead, and how He would give
the forgiveness of sins and eternal life to all who change their minds about
Him and who believe in Him. They also
warned men of eternal judgment if they did not respond positively to the Lord
Jesus Christ.
These missionaries “preached” to lost
men. Preaching is different from
teaching. Preaching has more to do
with declaring the message of salvation to the lost, challenging them, in mind
and heart, to respond to Jesus Christ as personal Savior. While all gospel preaching must have
solid biblical content, it is directed to prick man's conscience about sin and
judgment and appeals to the will and heart of a man for n response to
Christ. Preaching is primarily for
those who are not yet Christians.
In the twentieth century, there is a
legitimate place to bring evangelists into a city or local church to hold
evangelistic meetings to reach the lost.
However, most evangelistic meetings today are attended by those who are
Any biblical, local church will be
evangelistic when it has a heartbeat to win men to Jesus Christ by preaching
the Gospel publicly and sharing the Gospel individually. “And He said to them, ‘Go into all the
world and preach the gospel to all creation’” (Mark 16:15).
Once, when I spent a week in
California, I prayed that God would give me opportunities to share the good
news of Christ with others. On the
flight to California, I had no opportunities, even though I tried to turn the
conversation. My father and his
wife would not let me encounter them with Christ. At my 25th high school reunion, I
was able only to share briefly with one
of my classmates. On the way back
to Roanoke, I was sure God would give me someone to talk to. In the three and a half hour flight to
Chicago, I talked with a Seventh-day Adventist minister who, to my amazement,
was probably a saved man. There
were some obvious differences between his theology and mine, but I thought he
was straight on the Gospel.
Whatever, this was not a witnessing situation. I was getting discouraged, and in the O'Hare Airport in
Chicago, I said to the Lord, “Lord, what is wrong? You just haven't given me any real opportunities to witness. Have you failed me?”
On the hour and a half trip from
Chicago to Roanoke, I sat next to a 26 year old teacher of Spanish and
French. The conversation
immediately turned to spiritual things.
It was obvious to me that God was at work in this young man's life. He was very interested, and as the trip
was coming to an end, he said, “This conversation has greatly challenged my
life. I wonder where it will lead
me?” He was wide open for the
Gospel and the Lord was convicting and drawing.
You see, God had not failed me. He left the best for the last, and I do
expect that perhaps someday I will see that young man in heaven.
Discipling (14:21 b)
“. . . and had made many disciples, . .
.” -- The missionaries not only preached the Gospel of Christ to
the lost, but they made disciples.
After people responded to Christ, they were taught the basics of the
Christian faith, so they could be effective for Christ. A disciple is a learner and one
who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ. There were certain basic, fundamental truths that these new
converts needed to be taught immediately: abiding in Christ, walking by faith,
confession of sin, assurance of salvation, the Spirit filled life, resting in
the plan of God, learning to pray, and other elementary, but absolutely
necessary, doctrines for an effective Christian life. The Great Commission instructs us to “make disciples . . .
teaching them to observe all that I commanded you” (Matt. 28:18-20).
It is obvious that these first missionaries
(evangelists) did not come into a city for a week of meetings and then leave,
but they preached and taught, making sure these new converts were
established in the Faith once for all delivered to the saints. The apostles would probably stay weeks
or months in the same city, working diligently with those who had responded to
Risking (14:21c)
“. . . they returned to Lystra and
Iconium and to Antioch,” -- These missionaries displayed tremendous
courage. They went right back to
the cities where Paul was stoned, where the enemies of the Gospel plotted to
kill them, where they had been thrown out of town. What motivated these missionaries to return to these cities,
knowing their lives were endangered?
They were concerned for the saints. They thought the welfare of the infant churches was more
important than their own safety.
The establishing of sound local churches was of more consequence to the
apostles than their own lives. “But
I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, in order that I may
finish my course, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to
testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24). The missionaries took risks that they
might further the Gospel of Christ, and God blessed every step of faith they
The missionaries did not take the
easiest road. Instead of returning
to Antioch of Syria through Celicia, Paul's native country, which was the
closest route, they retracted their steps to build up the Christians. These missionaries were not looking for
the easiest way; they were looking for God's way. which is often the toughest
way, but it is the best and most satisfying way.
Strengthening (14:22a)
“. . . strengthening the souls of the
disciples, . . .” -- The missionaries went back to Lystra,
Iconium and Antioch of Pisidia to strengthen the saints. They were truly converted; they had
instruction in the basics of Christianity, but they needed additional truth,
real spiritual meat, in order to become mature in the Faith. These disciples were strengthened by
the apostles teaching them the Word of God. The apostles taught and expounded the whole counsel of God
to these new converts of less than two years. Some may have been Christians only a few months. The Word sets men free, but men cannot
be set free if they do not know the Word.
There must always be strong doctrinal teaching so men will know what God
expects of them, so they will not always be running on their emotions.
The goal of the missionaries was to get
these relatively new converts to Christ off the milk of the Word on to the meat
of the Word. They needed to
strengthen, stabilize, and solidify these saints by orienting them to sound
The Christian life is more than being
converted; it is growing in Christ.
It is going on to be what God intended us to be in Christ. It is impossible to grow in Christ
without a good knowledge of the Word of God.
Why did Paul and Barnabas go back? They were not interested in
decisions. They were interested in
disciples. They were interested in
church growth. They were
interested in establishing sound local churches. They were interested in planting the church of Jesus Christ
around the world. This is New
Testament missions.
Encouraging (14: 22b)
“. . . encouraging them to continue in
the faith, and saying, ‘Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of
God.’” -- The missionaries not only taught the
new converts, but they encouraged, exhorted and challenged them to persevere in
the Faith. The apostles oriented
these new converts to positive Christian experience as well as sound
doctrine. The missionaries were very
honest with these Christians and told them that suffering for Christ was part
of being a Christian. Christians must
suffer tribulations and through these tribulations they will ultimately enter
into heaven (the kingdom of God).
These new converts found out that being a Christian wasn't all peaches
and cream, and Paul told them that they were going to have trouble and not to
be surprised at it when it came.
Why must we as Christians suffer tribulation? First, we must suffer because the world controlled by
Satan hates Christ and therefore hates those who are followers and
representatives of Christ. Second,
tribulation teaches us to cling to Christ by faith. Third, tribulation refines the Christian, making a
real genuine spiritual man or woman.
Fourth, tribulation makes the Christian long for his heavenly
home and reminds him that he is but a pilgrim and stranger on this earth.
This verse tells us clearly that we all
need suffering and must undergo suffering to make us grow. Let us thank God for our tribulation
and endure it for His glory and our good.
It is so very important that Christians
exhort and encourage one another in the Faith. We cannot really encourage one another unless we know and
love one another.
“Take care, brethren, lest there should
be in anyone of you an evil, unbelieving heart, in falling away from the living
God. But encourage one another day
after day, as long as it is still called ‘Today,’ lest anyone of you be
hardened by the deceitfulness of sin” (Heb. 3:12, 13).
“. . . and let us consider how to
stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling
together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the
more, as you see the day drawing near” (Heb. 10:24-25).
Strengthening and encouraging the
saints (teaching and experience) is nothing less than effective follow-up. It is staying on new converts until
they become self-sustaining believer-priests and can begin to strengthen and
encourage other believers exercising their own spiritual gifts and independent
Appointing (14:23a)
“And when they had appointed elders for
them in every church, . . .”
-- The missionaries now
began to officially organize these churches by recognizing those men the Holy
Spirit had particularly gifted for the office of elder and they appointed them
to this office. Scholars debate
whether the first missionary journey lasted one or two years, but whatever
length, when these missionaries came back through these cities, they recognized
those men the Holy Spirit had been equipping for leadership and appointed them
as elders. The apostles, who had
apostolic authority and the care of the churches, appointed these elders. The apostles, in time, would leave
these churches, and after the first century the office of apostle would cease
to exist. Therefore, there was a
need to assign leaders over the flock who would act in the absence of the
apostles. There is no stability
without God ordained leadership.
Paul and Barnabas merely recognized God’s men for the office of elder,
so as to produce stable, growing, powerful, well-organized churches. These local churches were functioning
as a body without elders, but they became official, organized churches when
they had appointed elders. The
Christians in these local churches were inexperienced, needing counsel and
direction and protection from danger and heresy. Therefore, elders were appointed to watch over the spiritual
interests of the brethren. The
basic tasks of an elder are to exhort, instruct, govern and administrate the
believers in the local church.
There has been some debate among
Christians as to the meaning of “appoint.” The issue is whether the apostles sovereignly appointed
these elders or whether the congregation voted for them and then the elders
appointed them. In the Greek, the
word “appoint” (cheirotoneo) literally means “to stretch out the hand.” This same word was used in the voting
of the Athenian legislative assembly, and this has caused many to think that it
was the people who elected the elders by voting with the raising of the hand,
and then the apostles appointed them.
This view gives the congregation the right to select elders. The problem with this view is it
clearly indicates that it was the apostles who appointed these elders, not the
congregation -- “they (apostles) had appointed.” Furthermore, the word means “to stretch
out the hand,” which may suggest the idea of pointing out or designating. That the apostles sovereignly appointed
elders is backed up by Titus 1:5 which says, “For this reason I left you
(Titus) in Crete, that you might set in order what remains, and appoint (kathistami)
elders in every city as I directed you.”
At Grace Church, the elders recognize those men God has gifted for the
office of elder and appoint them to this office with the approval of the
congregation. The congregation of
Grace Church can say “yes” or “no” to the men the elders put up for office, but
the congregation cannot select who they want for these offices (although the
elders are always open for suggestions from the congregation). This seems to be a fairly accurate New
Testament principle since the apostles would have put no one in office of whom
the people could not approve. To
put into office someone unacceptable to the congregation, would have caused
great division.
This verse says that they appointed
elders (plural) in every local church.
The natural reading is that there was a plurality (more than one) of
elders in every local church. The
New Testament churches were ruled by elders, not by the pastor or the
congregation. From other passages,
we may have warrant to suggest there are two types of elders, ruling and
“Let the elders who rule well be
considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching
and teaching. For the Scripture
worthy of his wages’” (I Tim. 5:17, 18).
All elders are to rule and teach, but
some specialize in teaching and others in ruling. This may lend weight to having elders who are fully paid to
work at the task of the ministry on a full-time basis, and elders who are not
paid, but labor among the flock as ruling elders. Surely there is a difference between an elder who can give
full time to the Lord’s work and an elder who can only give part time at
best. The difference, however, is
not in authority but. in function.
The qualifications for an elder are set
before us in the Bible.
“It is a trustworthy statement; if any
man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do. An overseer, then, must be above
reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable,
able to teach, not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle, uncontentious,
free from the love of money. He
must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under
control with all dignity (but if a man does not know how to manage his own
household, how will he take care of the church of God?); and not a new convert,
lest he become conceited and fall into the condemnation incurred by the
devil. And he must have a good
reputation with those outside the church, so that he may not fall into reproach
and the snare of the devil” (I Tim. 3:1-7).
“For this reason I left you in Crete,
that you might set in order what remains, and appoint elders in every city as I
directed you, namely, if any man be above reproach, the husband of one wife,
having children who believe, not accused of dissipation or rebellion. For the overseer must be above reproach
as God's steward, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not addicted to wine,
not pugnacious, not fond of sordid gain, but hospitable, loving what is good,
sensible, just, devout, self-controlled, holding fast the faithful word which
is in accordance with the teaching, that he may be able both to exhort in sound
doctrine and to refute those who contradict” (Titus 1: 5-9).
These qualifications are to be seen in
every man who is given to the office of elder, without exception. However, some of these qualifications
will be more evident in some than in others for each elder has his strengths
and weaknesses in these areas.
Elders are not perfect people but are to have reached a certain level of
spiritual maturity before they can serve.
Remember, all of the elders appointed by Paul and Barnabas were probably
no more than two years old in the Lord.
Yet, God had done a marvelous work of grace and brought some men to
rapid maturity. We can conclude
that elders are not prefect men, but they must be spiritual men. Elders were not selected in the New
Testament because they had good looks, winning personalities, business
abilities or large bank accounts, but according to spiritual qualifications.
Organization is not a dirty word. Organization is an absolute necessity
for the local church. There must
be strong leadership who, in turn, organize the church into a smooth-running
operation for Christ. The key to
solid organization is dynamic leadership.
When Christians say, “I don't have to
belong to a local church; I can meet during the week for Bible study and prayer
with Christians and get more than I could get through a local church,” they are
sadly misinformed. God has
ordained the local church with elders to exhort, instruct and govern the
flock. We are not New Testament at
all unless we are connected up with a local church, for the local church is
God's primary means of accomplishing His work on this earth. It is, therefore, the responsibility of
every Christian to be identified with a local church, and to carry out his own
personal ministry in and through the local church or the family of God. It is from the family of God that
Christians are strengthened, have fellowship, are encouraged and place themselves
under a governing body for leadership and discipline when necessary.
Praying (14 :23b)
“. . . having prayed with fasting, . .
.” -- The apostles and newly appointed elders surely were praying
together. Undoubtedly, the local
church of Antioch was gathered together and were also entering into this time
of prayer and fasting for God's blessing on these new elders and the infant
Apparently, prayer and fasting were
connected with the selection, appointing, and commending of elders to the
ministry. Why? This is most important for the local
church, for as the leadership goes, so goes the church.
Commending (14:23c)
“ . . . they commended them to the Lord
in whom they had believed.”
-- The apostles entrusted
these infant churches with their new elders into the guardianship and
protective care of God. These
congregations were feeble, inexperienced and exposed to dangers, but with God's
help through appointed leadership, the apostles believed that God would prosper
these local churches.
Speaking (14:24, 25)
“And they passed through Pisidia and
came to Pamphylia. And when they
had spoken the word in Perga, they went down to Attalia; . . .” -- As the missionaries came back to Antioch of Syria, they
stopped in a few places to preach the Gospel of Christ. They felt compelled to speak the Gospel
where it had never been spoken before.
Returning (14:26)
“. . . and from there they sailed to
Antioch, from which they had been commended to the grace of God for the work
that they had accomplished.”
-- Almost two years had
passed since Paul and Barnabas left Antioch of Syria to go on the first
missionary journey to the Gentiles.
The local church at Antioch had sent them out to preach the Gospel,
disciple men, establish local churches, build the saints and appoint
elders. All this time the local
church at Antioch had been praying and now the missionaries had returned. Notice the words, “the work that they had
accomplished.” God was
gracious and they had accomplished the work they set out to do. They had not only completed the work,
but were successful to the glory of God.
Sharing (14:27)
“And when they had arrived and gathered
the church together, they began to report all things that God had done with
them and how He had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles.” -- When the apostles, Paul and Barnabas, arrived at Antioch,
they gathered the church together to have the first missionary conference. They began reporting and sharing what
God had done with them and through them in reaching the lost Gentiles for
Christ. What a sharing time that
must have been! What a body life
service! There was excitement,
rejoicing and tears as they heard how God was saving Gentiles by the thousands.
At this sharing time, it was no
bragging session. Paul could have
spoken about his scars incurred when stoned, or how he had led many to Christ,
even some high ranking dignitaries.
However, he chose to speak about God’s grace. He explained how God did it all. Paul and Barnabas gave the glory to God. They were very aware of the fact that
it was God who had used them and who had sovereignly opened the doors for the
Gentiles to be saved. Missions is
about what God is doing through men and not so much about what men are doing
for God.
Each year we have a missions conference
at Grace Church. This is a time
when we bring in speakers and missionaries so they can tell us what God is
doing in the world and how He is saving men by His grace through the preaching
of the Gospel of Christ.
Ministering (14:28)
“And they spent a long time with the
disciples.” -- Some have thought that Paul and
Barnabas, as missionaries, came back to Antioch to furlough, but that is not
necessarily true. They came back,
picked up their responsibilities as leaders (probably elders) in the local
church and ministered. They may
have rested for a short while, but they soon were ministering in and through
the local church at Antioch. They
probably stayed in Antioch for six to eight years ministering to that local
church and perhaps taking some other missionary journeys not mentioned in Acts.
These apostles, sent out by the church
at Antioch, returned to the church at Antioch and ministered to the
Christians. Today, missionaries
who are home on furlough should come back and minister to one or two churches
as well as get physical rest.
This, of course, raises the whole question of missionary support. Do you support many missionaries with
little monies or a few missionaries with large sums of money? If we support a few, then we could
demand that they minister to our church when on furlough.
What makes a local church
exciting? It is a place where
Christians are discipled, encouraged and strengthened by God appointed
leadership to become self-sustaining believer priests who can become effective
witnesses, discover their spiritual gifts and carry on an independent ministry
in and through the local church.
Are you a self-sustaining believer-priest?
God opened the door to the Gentiles
that they might be saved. Are you
saved? Has God opened up the door
for you to hear the Gospel? Have
you walked through this door by faith and accepted Christ as your personal Lord
and Savior? This is the starting
place. The local church,
discipleship, godly leadership, prayer, missionary conferences, or whatever,
will mean nothing to you until you accept Christ and bow your will to Him as